Friday, September 17, 2010

Can AMD Opteron 185 sort the high-end games run faster close to STALKER, FSX, Lost Planet or other high-end winter sport?

I'm curious in the region of AMD Opteron 185's performance. It is dual cores that running 2.6Ghz respectively. People said this dual processor is top fastest processor and very ultimate dual core product for Socket 939 only. People said this processor is similar to AMD Athlon FX-60's show. So I want to upgrade from my old, slow processor AMD Athlon 64 3200 into AMD Opteron 185. I want to know more information in the region of AMD Opteron 185

Can AMD Opteron 185 sort the high-end games run faster close to STALKER, FSX, Lost Planet or other high-end winter sport?

it sure can. opteron 185s can also overclock well. you'll manifestly see improvements in speed over your out-of-date processor.

your performance increase does depend on deeply of other variables, such as your video card, ram and firm drive speed. if your video card is low end, you wont see much increase. but if you have a mid to lofty end card, you're plausible to see up to 40% increase in speed

The answers post by the user, for information single, does not guarantee the right.

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